The main aim of Skoolz Out is to provide a welcoming, quality assured and affordable ‘out of school’ Service based locally within Mosspark, St George’s and Hillington Primary School for working parent/carers or parent/carers in further education.
This is made possible by having a team of qualified playworkers who provide a positive role model for the children while encouraging them to become independent, confident individuals. Our staff also recognises the importance of developing good working partnerships with parents/carers as well as the children in their care.
Our ultimate goal is to provide a service that advocates equality and diversity for all, while promoting G.I.R.F.E.C. (Getting it right for every child), the S.H.A.N.A.R.R.I. wellbeing indicators, Children’s Rights and the Health and Social Care Standards: My support, My life.
Reviewed February 2024